[Build] Focused Attack Cat | ST DPS

Focused Attack Cat
Level 60, Change Log 2018/07/23
⋆ Single Target DPS | Raid DPS ⋆

Single Target DPS | Raid DPS

This build is designed for single target DPS, primarily great for raids as most fights involves single target DPS.

Cat builds are generally strong simply because they can benefit from both their feral tree as well as the Rogue tree. The "focused attack" talent provided in the Rogue Assassination tree grants energy gain when you critical hit the target, and because the cat attacks at a high speed with high amounts of crit, you can bet you will be given a lot of energy back so you can spam more mangle.

Getting the proper random enchants will help increase DPS for best preformance, its highly reccomended to acquire Focused Attack Random Enchants first.

Your primary stat is Agility as it will provide Attack Power and Critical strike, both needed for this build. Secondary stat would be Strength as it is also a DPS increase stat providing more Attack Power.

Priority Stats: Agility > Strength > Crit Rating > Stamina

Acquiring better gear will help the builds DPS immensely. To start off, try to acquire 6 piece of Shadowcraft for the set bonus of Energy Gain on attacks.

Eventually you would want to get Nightslayer set.

For your weapons, you would need to use a 1-Handed Weapon and a Shield, or Dual Wield 1-Handed Weapons with Frostbrand on your Main Hand and Rockbiter on your Off Hand. The type of weapon I would reccomend to start off with would be a Flurry Axe, Thrash Blade, or Ironfoe for your Main Hand, eventually you will replace this with a 2-Handed Weapon with high base damage with a slow weapon speed. Bonereaver's Edge would be a good example of the type of weapon you would want to get, or even Sulfuras Hand of Ragnaros.




Thanks for taking an interest in the Focused Attack Cat build! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions or feedback.

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  1. Finished. Also these builds, I will have to go back to make minor changes since there is the new patch released. Most 5/5 Talents has been reduced to 3/3

  2. why Feline Grace and Safe Fall? do you plan to fall a lot!? btw nice guide, this could work for pvp early - endgame?

    1. For raids, some fights you get knocked up. It pretty much makes you immune to fall damage. For pvp alternative, I wouldnt recommend simply because PvP builds have a meta for choice of abilities/talents which all pvp builds should have. And so this build will be lacking those abilities/talents

    2. :C welp i was thinking bout become a cool boy camper cat,thanks anyway for the awnser, goodblog gj gonna give a shoot to ur Poison Bear

  3. does getting any haste affect the attack speed while in cat form? i think there is around 50% haste from talents which could be an autoattack increase if it works.

    1. Yes it will work but it also has diminishing returns

    2. is there a good spot to get to? I don't see you getting any in your guide.

    3. i dont have any yea, but from what others have tested they got it down to 0.7

    4. ok, sounds like it is just finding a good balance between haste and AP.

      also, does all the hit rating come from gear to reach the 8% min?

      would be great if you had a video showcase similar to your other guides on here, really like your work!

  4. Replies
    1. it is an easy way to get ok dps at lvl 60 dung with terrible gear. For raiding i wouldn't recommend as you are rolling against agi healers and rogues for gear, to much competition.
